Friday, 18 December 2009


When this is the sight that greets you first thing in the morning what can you do?

The hose pipe is frozen

You can't see the poop let alone pick it up

There's only one thing for it ....

HAVE FUN ............................

Blossom and Mercedez



Dennis and Charlie

Harry, Blossom and Charlie

Harry, Charlie and Mo

Mo and Charlie

Mo, Dennis and Harry

Well, it beats scrubbing kennels any day!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Santa does less miles ...

We left here yesterday morning, the intentions were - drive to Kent and deliver a dog to her new home, up to Essex to introduce a dog to his potential new home, back to Kent to collect a dog and through to Sussex to take her straight to her new home. 250 miles later the entire day was a complete and utter waste of diesel, time, and a Christmas shopping moment lost forever.
The first dog was delivered safe and sound, all was fine and another dog happily settled in a new home before Christmas. Then we contacted the Essex drop to inform them we'd be 45 minutes, only to be told they'd got another dog from another source that morning and they were sorry but they didn't want us to come up after all. So down to Kent to collect the next dog and a phone call to her new home to say we'd be there within an hour and a half, to be told they'd had a hospital appointment come through just after Christmas so could no longer take a dog before the new year. So leaving here intending to deliver 3 dogs saw 2 come back with us. Then this morning the call we dreaded, the dog that had been delivered safe and sound looked like it wasn't going to work out after all ....... Ho Ho Ho Hum

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Christmas is on it's way - just ask a dog rescuer!

Saturday was another long day, we had already decided to go to the Bulldog of the Year show and collect 2 dogs on the way back. One of the dogs we were due to collect pulled out as thankfully they decided that they could keep him afterall, but whilst at the show a call came in from someone who needed their dog picking up as soon as possible so we decided to wait for the lunch break, as we had an item in the auction, and then head off to Staines and then round to Kent as originally planned. The morning show took longer than anticipated so by the time lunch was over and the auction was done it was gone 3pm. However, the auction items which we had donated which consisted of 5 Our Dogs and Dog World annuals dating from 1949 through to 1967 raised a fabulous £35.00 for the rescue, thank you to everyone that placed bids on those items. Some of the bulldog adverts inside are very amusing. It was very late by the time we got back here with two very bewildered bulldogs, both of which are now settled in their kennel awaiting their intake assessments. There are still a large number of bulldogs waiting for homes and with Christmas fast approaching it's only going to get worse so if you can help us in any way please do as in the words of that very well known SuperStore - every little helps ....