That good old British tradition ....
I've had a few people enquire this morning if it's OK to let the bulldogs out in the snow. As a general rule, as long as you don't let them stay in it for too long they love playing in the snow. Having said that I know that some hate it and for those dogs I suggest you just don't even bother trying to get them out for a walk as it could lead to problems walking them once the snow has cleared - remember dogs learn by association, they may not put two and two together when the the cold wet stuff has disappeared and as there are many bulldogs out there that will use every excuse under the sun to get out of a walk, you don't want to be adding to their reasons LOL.
Obviously if your dogs are kennelled ensure you have heating because living in these sub zero temperatures can be detrimental to his health and well being but when it comes to just a good old fashioned run about in the snow for 20 minutes isn't going to do them any harm as long as they have somewhere warm to go to afterwards.
And if you don't feel like trudging through it then I'm sure your bulldog will forgive you a few days off as this doesn't look like it's going to melt any time soon which leaves me without a kennel maid today but as everything round here is frozen solid I'm sure it really isn't going to make much difference to the smooth running of things.
Have fun out there and stay safe
I've had a few people enquire this morning if it's OK to let the bulldogs out in the snow. As a general rule, as long as you don't let them stay in it for too long they love playing in the snow. Having said that I know that some hate it and for those dogs I suggest you just don't even bother trying to get them out for a walk as it could lead to problems walking them once the snow has cleared - remember dogs learn by association, they may not put two and two together when the the cold wet stuff has disappeared and as there are many bulldogs out there that will use every excuse under the sun to get out of a walk, you don't want to be adding to their reasons LOL.
Obviously if your dogs are kennelled ensure you have heating because living in these sub zero temperatures can be detrimental to his health and well being but when it comes to just a good old fashioned run about in the snow for 20 minutes isn't going to do them any harm as long as they have somewhere warm to go to afterwards.
And if you don't feel like trudging through it then I'm sure your bulldog will forgive you a few days off as this doesn't look like it's going to melt any time soon which leaves me without a kennel maid today but as everything round here is frozen solid I'm sure it really isn't going to make much difference to the smooth running of things.
Have fun out there and stay safe