Monday 16 November 2009

I'm still here!

Yes I'm still alive, thank you to all those that actually took the time to ask LOL. Thanks also to all the people that helped out last week in the kennels whilst I was otherwise buried under paperwork, it's so nice to know theres people there when needed!
The weekend was spent putting up the new laundry shed that Peter and Beverly have donated, there's a second hand washing machine and tumble dryer on it's way so the bedding crisis is now officially over!

1 comment:

  1. No blog for 6 days, Alice and I were just about eating the carpet with anxiety, what are we to do when a situation like that happens.
    We are addicted to it by now, is it a recognised illness? Can you claim disability by saying "I can't leave my computer because I am waiting for Tania's Blog"?
