Friday 18 June 2010

Helllloooooooooooooooooooo is there anybody there?

Just realised that's it's been a few months since the last Blog entry - do you know I actually get complaints when it's not updated LOL. The scooter ride out went really well - over 100 scooters parked on my front grass, thankfully not a single complaint and we had plenty of donated food, nappy sacks, washing powder and of course money - a big thank you to all that took part
Both bulldog days went well too, although these events are independant of Bulldog Rescue we get the profit so it goes without saying that our thanks goes out to Vicky and her team for two very successful educational days.
We are now gearing up to launch the 2011 calendar competition so be sure to keep an eye on the web site for details.
Oh and of course the 4th September - keep that day free as it's the annual picnic on that day and we all know how much you love that.
I'll be back soon (I promise)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice to see an update, Tania! I am always disappointed when I log on to find nothing new!!!
