It was 15 years ago today that I moved into this house. It was damp, abandoned (had been empty for over a year) and over grown, but there was something about it. We couldn't afford it, despite the fact that the price had been very much reduced due to the fact that it had been empty for so long, but somehow we found the money to buy it. The gas board came out to service the heating and slapped condemned stickers on everything and left. There was a gas leak under the entire house by all accounts, they muttered something about it not being their job, turned the gas off at the mains and drove off!
Both Dizzy and I had not long been separated from our previous marriages, he had one cantankerous old bulldog called Bessie who hated children and I had two children aged 5 and 6!
Over the years this house has proved to be perfect for everything we've ever needed to do, as what started out as just needing room for a home office and storage for stock for the record business, became room for show dogs and litters, became room for rescue kennels, became room for stock storage for Reggie's Den and it all just seemed to fit into place perfectly.
We've done very little to the soul of the building and when the medium came out on my birthday she said that there was a lady attached to this house who approved of the fact that we'd not changed much. Apparently she acknowledged the fact that we'd built kennels and approved of the rescue, saying she liked the energy the dogs bought to the place.
Maggie's grave was bulldog number 14 in the little grave yard at the bottom of the garden, 11 of which have been our own pets and 3 rescues, of course there beach pebbles remember all the others.
15 years ago by life changed, I found Diz again, I left my marriage behind me, moved out of the horrible rented rabbit hutch my kids and I had been forced to live in and moved into the house that I plan to stay in for the rest of my life (and beyond). Today is a very special day and it also means there's only 10 years left on the mortgage!
It looks as if it has a nice feel to it, Tania.i think you can judge a house from outside and it has obviously proved to be so. Jean