Monday 23 August 2010

Tears and Joy

The weekend was a series of tears and joy, helping a young family with the horror of buying a bulldog on line only to find that he had a nasty streak that resulted in the husband having to be taken to hospital by ambulance was eased a little when I invited them to bring the children for a visit to help them see that not all bulldogs were like that. The result was that little Daisy who'd only been in rescue less than a week and was struggling dreadfully with the surroundings of the kennel made such an impression on them that they were back the next morning to take her home. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see her interacting with the children and there's no doubt they've helped each other through what could have been a terrible point in all their lives.
The worst part though of the entire weekend was an incident in the woods when one of the rescues decided that the border terrier coming towards him was fair game, the poor dog walker lost her footing in the mud and the result was carnage. Thankfully the little dog is fine and the owners, despite being understandably shocked, have been marvelous. Being neighbours I was able to visit the little dog today and despite his grand old age of 13 is recovering well and milking the extra attention for everything it's worth.
Then on Sunday I had a paw print added to the new tattoo for Maggie, losing Maggie has been one of the hardest deaths I've had to deal with in a very long time and by marking her alongside the other 10 paw prints on the tattoo was very therapeutic. Rest in Peace my sweet baby, I hope we made your awful life a little more bearable in your final years.

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