Monday 11 October 2010

Like a lamb to the slaughter

Well I did it, I stood up in front of almost 40 people and spoke aload!! For the first time in my life I was a speaker at a seminar instead of a guest. Six months ago I thought it was a great idea to accept the invitation, I had the exams in between so gave it very little thought after the powerpoint presentation had been created, but driving up to Coventry on Saturday morning I did utter the words "what on earth am I doing" on more than one occassion. The event was put on by an organisation called SNAG (Southern Newfoundland Action Group) and it was very well organised and turned into a very enjoyable day. Although it was a case of preaching to the converted as the event titled "Rescue and Rehoming - The challenge to find a permanant home for every dog" saw almost everyone in the audience from a rescue society of some form or another but what I really liked was the fact that we all discussed how we ran our individual organisations with each other and I'm sure that all of us went away feeling we'd learnt something from another rescue group. It's certainly something that would benefit from being done again at some point in the future I'm sure and face it there's nothing quite so wonderful as a day spent in the company of animal lovers that dedicate their entire lives to helping dogs across the country.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, I get so nervous speaking in front of a lot of people, but it is a great confidence booster :-)
