Today is the first day of the rest of Edward's life. And boy what a sweetheart he is. Thankfully he's tested negative for both parvo and giardia but sadly positive for demodex which to be honest didn't come as a suprise. He sat in his bed this morning whilst I scraped skin from his leg and licked my face the entire time. He's weighed in at just over 19kg and has the stinkiest, stickiest nose wrinkle I've seen in a long long time.
So, once armed with the test results it was off to the vet to get some anti biotics and some Aludex for the demodex

He thought the trip was far too tiring (despite the fact that he'd slept through the night without a peep) and decided to have a little rest

But once back home he was able to finally mix with the other residents which he enjoyed very much indeed.

We now need to start his treatment which will involve shaving his fur off so check back soon for some funny pics of a bald bulldog
Then we'll begin.......
This is a blog you'll need to check back to often as it's the story of "The Stunning Buster". Maybe he was stunning once, but sadly not any more. The worst part is, he's for sale on the internet for a staggering £750.00

Yesterday the campaign began to get him out, one of the bulldog forums contacted me and asked if they could get him, could we take him. Within only 2 hours enough money had been raised to purchase him, by this morning we had almost £1000 in the kitty to cover his purchase (which was £600 in the end) and hopefully much of his treatment. Forgive me if I'm being cagy and if the owner read this - yes we gave you money because we didn't trust what you were going to do with him.

On collection the poor wee mite looked even worse and I'm currently waiting with baited breath to meet him and see if we can work out exactly what's going on with that skin, apparently he smells like a cheesy wotsit, bless him.
His long journey down from Bradford comes to an end in just a few hours so check back here tomorrow for an update.
It's now just gone 8.30pm and Buster has finally arrived at the kennel, and what a mess he is. His name has now been changed to Edward - new start, new life, new name and he is completely unaware as to what a mess he is in.
A massive thank you goes to all the people that helped get him and transport him today, it's certainly been a very long day for him and he's now fast asleep under his heat lamp recovering from all the excitment. I'll examine him properly tomorrow and report back.