Crufts starts today, sadly it's looking highly unlikely that I'm going to make it but if you are reading this before 4pm on Thursday 10th March I've decided to give my 2 complimentary tickets to whoever bids the highest donation to Bulldog Rescue - so if you want them, tell me how much you are prepared to donate via
With Crufts comes the usual rounds of Pedigree dog bashing, something that has really riled me is an email I received from the RSPCA this morning - please correct me if I'm wrong, but surely the job of the RSPCA is to help animals that are mistreated or need rehoming? Here's an extract from the email:
Dog shows like Crufts, which starts today, use breed standards to describe how a ‘perfect’ example of each breed of dog should look as the main judging criteria.
We believe these standards encourage the breeding of disabled dogs with exaggerated features. They also encourage breeding from closely related animals, which can result in puppies that have a higher chance of suffering from inherited diseases.
Is this really what they are on this planet for? Bearing in mind that this could open the flood gates for many more pedigree dogs to suddendly find themselves homeless, I bet they are still more than happy to keep any pedigree that makes its way into one of their shelters and sell it for several hundred quid rather than ask the breed rescue to help.
I'm sorry but I really don't think this is within the RSPCA's remit, there's several journalists out there that I'd expect nothing less from but the RSPCA? Surely their job is to rescue and rehome abused and abandoned dogs? Not to put themselves on a pedistall and start creating panic amongst pedigree dog owners.
What do you think?

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