I hope you are having fun in the snow, we certainly are not - no kennel help, no water in the kennel and my big fear is that the power is going to go out because night time temperatures are currently running at anything between -5 and -12 with forecasts to go even colder. It does seem daft that the entire country grinds to a halt but to be fair what else can we do? We can't even get the car off the drive way as it's buried in at least a foot of snow which is now frozen solid - there's abandoned cars all up the lane which is nothing short of an ice rink at the moment as no one bothers to grit up here but there's no refuse collections either because the truck simply can't get here so things are starting to get desperate LOL. This is the view from our living room looking towards the south downs
- note the impressive icicles LOL

News in Our Dogs this morning that breeding rules are to be tightened with the introduction of a registration scheme. Done correctly this will certainly (hopefully) make my life a little easier, but I'm really interested to hear what breeders think - let me know please
Hope you are all OK roads lethal round here tried to get to work and had big problems so won't be trying that one again.Take care xx