Monday 18 January 2010

Positive thoughts needed ....

Just left Hilda at the vets, my poor baby girl is having her tail amputated this morning so we need all the positive vibes we can get please. Will post later and let you know how she is


  1. I am pleased to report that Hilda has come through her surgery without a hiccup, she's a wake and will be staying in over night - God help the night shift!!!!

  2. Glad to hear it. What a quiet night it will be for you...make the most of it as she will probably return with a vengence!

  3. aww positive thoughts to Hilda x

  4. Well she's home and boy does she feel sorry for herself. She won't settle and she's wimpering in pain, but I keep telling her that it can only get better. I've posted a pic of her lovely new bum above

  5. aaahh bless her, what a lovely new bum it is too, lol.
    Hope the pain ends for her soon, its heartbreaking when they do that wimpering isn't it, our Bubbles is a very vocal bullie and when she had her spaying she wimpered and screamed so much the vet had to have her back in for another night as we were all so worried about it.
    Hope you don't mind me asking but what was the problem with her tail?
    Anyways, I hope she will soon be back to her old self.

  6. Hi Tania, poor little Hilda, hope she is feeling better soon. Wanted to say Archie has improved alittle with his digestion and I did take on board your suggestions. Thank you. I think alot of it is that he just eats too quickly! Hilary

  7. Hi Tania
    What a lovely bum bless her hope she is feeling OK
    Big hugs
    Alison xx

  8. Glad to hear it all went well for Hilda. Hope she get's well soon.

  9. Ouch! Poor Hilda,hope she is feeling a bit better today. Big hugs to the little lady. Samantha

  10. Ah bless what a brave little bullie and it wont take any of the endearing characteristics away from her! best wishes.

  11. hi bulldog looking for home at many tear rescue in wales is in a very bad way need your help
