Three dogs left for their new home on Saturday and Sunday saw three new arrivals, as I said, it's all just one big revolving door. It's very strange saying goodbye to a dog that's leaving for his new home, part of you is convinced that no one could possibly look after him properly but the other part of you is so happy to see him leave the kennel knowing he's destined for someones sofa. All three dogs that moved on Saturday all seem to be doing really really well and I'm sure that I'm already a dim and distant memory. The three that arrived however all speak Welsh and I'm sure they think that Annie and I are talking strange because we've had a few growls this morning, but it must be so overwhelming for them to suddenly find themselves in a kennel, although one gave me a bit of fright as all night he's not moved from his bed, every time I woke in the night I quickly checked the camera and he was in exactly the same place as the last time I checked - turns out the heat lamp is just too much of a temptation and bed is where he want to sit and do his sulking.
There were quite a few comings and goings over the weekend, another new arrival in Lancashire and the very sad case of the dog that moved from his foster home on Friday to sadly die shortly after arriving home. The highs and lows of rescue can really be stressful at times and Diz finally convinced me that I needed to see the doctor about the headache that I've had for the last 8 days. Apparently it's a tension headache and they won't do anything until I've had it for 3 weeks - goodness I hope I don't get it for that long, it's starting to get on my nerves now.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
Reggie is feeling poorly
Keep dear little Reggie in your thoughts for the next few days. We are now just over a week since his meds stopped and this morning he crashed. So sad to see such a live wire so still and quiet. A trip to the vet has sadly got him back on anti biotics but the vet did agree that it's not his lungs that are the problem but his throat which has been my thoughts all along. We know he only has a size 6 trachea, but thankfully he shows no signs of suffering a soft palate problem so there is a chance that he may improve has his head develops. Only time will tell - but lets hope there is light at the end of his tunnel. The vet trip got us into a very interesting conversation about corporate vets and at which point does a young vet enter veterinary college as an animal lover and leave as a business man? Something I didn't realise is the alleged fact that many receptionists and nurses working for corporate companies receive bonuses for getting clients to have certain treatments. It is incredibly worrying that you could be getting things done to your animals simply because the girl on reception needs to pay for her holiday. We have increasingly been aware that vets often refuse treatment because the owners cannot afford to pay for it, but by all accounts as long as they offer euthanasia as an alternative they are legally covered to refuse the treatment. This can't be right surely? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
And another roller coaster ride ....
The week started OK but steadily went down hill following a falling out with a neighbour over a dog that was off lead (don't ask). We then had a dog brought in for rehoming who's owner announced as I was about to say hello to him in the back of the car "oh by the way you can't touch him"!!!!!! To be fair to the dog I think there were possibly some underlying pain issues going on due to a serious spinal defect, but faced with no option but to leave him here ... to say I spent the rest of the day with a headache is probably all you lot need to know. However all was redeemed today with a mini reunion of some of the guys Dizzy was in the Spinal unit with in 1984. Four of them got together, some of which hadn't seen each other in over 20 years

This motley crew contain Dizzy, Dave Howard, Tim Claire and Geoff Holt MBE. Dave's wife cooked us a fabulous meal and it was so nice to relax and catch up with everyone, we even got to feed the fish in the lake at the bottom of the garden, about 20 trout that were more than happy to pop their heads up for some dog biscuits - just amazing.

This motley crew contain Dizzy, Dave Howard, Tim Claire and Geoff Holt MBE. Dave's wife cooked us a fabulous meal and it was so nice to relax and catch up with everyone, we even got to feed the fish in the lake at the bottom of the garden, about 20 trout that were more than happy to pop their heads up for some dog biscuits - just amazing.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
What I want to know is, how come when it's Annie's shift in the kennel she gets glorious sunshine, when it's my shift it's blowing a bleeding gale and all I get is a row of big brown eyes looking at me with a look that say "if you think I'm coming out in this you can think again". In fact the wind is so strong this morning that it snapped the chain that holds the kennel door open!!! It's been such an awful week for them, what with the fireworks and now this gale force wind it's no wonder they are not all a bunch of quivering wrecks! Speaking of quivering wrecks, the new stray is finding her feet at last and enjoys a cuddle now instead of cowering away in the back of her run waiting for you to wallop her! However bad rescue can make you feel there is nothing quite like the feeling when a scared dog comes to you for reassurance for the first time.
Monday, 8 November 2010
It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new week .....
.... and the difference is ..... well not much to be honest, everything is quite normal for a Monday morning except the weather is blowing a gale and if Annie gets any of them out for a walk today she'll be working a miracle!!!!! We seemed to have coped OK with the fireworks over the weekend, the calming meds they were given made a couple of them sick, but I'd rather be cleaning up sick than trying a calm a dog that's climbing the walls. Another stray arrived Saturday morning too and with it has come the dreaded kennel cough so she's in isolation, at least for the time being anyway. Very very skinny and a chip number that traces back to Manchester - but no one prepared to accept she belonged to them. Poor baby has been Christened Skinny Minnie - we'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, here's a story that hit the Sun newspaper over the weekend - sickening to say the least:
In the meantime, here's a story that hit the Sun newspaper over the weekend - sickening to say the least:
Friday, 5 November 2010

I hope you are having fun at the bridge Winston!
So, today is November 5th - a dog owners worst date on the calendar. I am hoping that as this year it falls on a Friday all the fireworks will go off either tonight or tomorrow night. The kennel dogs are now being dosed up on Calming liquid in the hope they sleep through it. If any of you have a dog that really doesn't cope with fireworks it's worth giving them some form of calmer such as Rescue Remedy, Natural Calm or use the DAP diffuser or collar. A trick I was told many years ago which seems to work well is to put a t-shirt on your dog, the closeness of the garment makes them feel a little safer. The worst thing you can do is fuss, no matter how stressed your dog appears to be getting, don't fuel it by going over board with the comfort - it actually makes them realise that there's something to be scared of, so have the TV a notch louder, draw the curtains as soon as it gets dark and carry on about your evening as normal. Try not to walk your dog after dark over the next few nights as I know of many that have run of in a blind panic because a firework went off, it's better they are walked before dark or not at all tonight and tomorrow night rather than risk them bolting in fear. Above all, whatever you are doing, stay safe.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Oh My God! I passed my exams, not only did I pass but the one I was a bit unsure about I only went and got a bloody A !!!!!! That means I am now a C-SQP ( so the next stage is to get Reggie's Den registered as a retail premises and it should be all systems go come 2011 !!!!
I can't beleive I actually passed - Base Unit:B Companion Animal Unit:A Viva:Passed
I can't beleive I actually passed - Base Unit:B Companion Animal Unit:A Viva:Passed
Monday, 1 November 2010
Happy Monday
I must be the only person on the world that looks forward to the clocks going back. My body clock is far more comfortable with GMT and it's nice to wake up in the morning and not feel like I need more sleep, yes I know it's dark early but that's what Bulldogs were invented for so you've got something warm and cosy to snuggle up on the sofa with!! Every year they start on about not doing this clock change, I hope they never get their way.

Apologise for the disappearing blog entry, there was a problem with the video on it and for some reason it's disappeared.
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