I hope you are having fun at the bridge Winston!
So, today is November 5th - a dog owners worst date on the calendar. I am hoping that as this year it falls on a Friday all the fireworks will go off either tonight or tomorrow night. The kennel dogs are now being dosed up on Calming liquid in the hope they sleep through it. If any of you have a dog that really doesn't cope with fireworks it's worth giving them some form of calmer such as Rescue Remedy, Natural Calm or use the DAP diffuser or collar. A trick I was told many years ago which seems to work well is to put a t-shirt on your dog, the closeness of the garment makes them feel a little safer. The worst thing you can do is fuss, no matter how stressed your dog appears to be getting, don't fuel it by going over board with the comfort - it actually makes them realise that there's something to be scared of, so have the TV a notch louder, draw the curtains as soon as it gets dark and carry on about your evening as normal. Try not to walk your dog after dark over the next few nights as I know of many that have run of in a blind panic because a firework went off, it's better they are walked before dark or not at all tonight and tomorrow night rather than risk them bolting in fear. Above all, whatever you are doing, stay safe.
RIP Winnie Pooh. I used your suggestion of the t-shirt last year, and my little man seems to find it very comforting when the fireworks go off. And he looks very cute in it. Good luck all.
ReplyDeleteRIP Winston, hope your playing hard at Rainbow Bridge. Good tips about the fireworks Tania, they don't seem to bother our bulldog, but our Lurcher hates them.
ReplyDeleteRun free at the bridge Winnie. Our Molly has been sitting on the doorstep watching the fireworks, they don't bother her at all. But this morning our neighbour opposite had a new aerial fitted and the man had a LADDER! that really was frightening, she was like a jelly - aren't bullies strange?