Friday 16 October 2009

Fingers Crossed for Claire

I've just left Claire at the vets, today she gets an xray and then depending on what shows up a barium and then 2 hourly xrays throughout the day. She managed to keep her prescription slop down with no problem and she's still as bright and bubbly as ever which no one can really understand. I'll keep you updated via comments so check back later.


  1. 2.30pm: I'm working on the basis that no news is good news. I can't ring until 5pm because the xrays are repeated throughout the day and depending on how quick the barium goes through her they may well be still xraying into the night. I hope she's OK

  2. The barium has stopped at the stomach so she'll need further xrays into the night. Taking into account that we are off to the Junior Champ show at 7 oclock in the morning, she's going to stay there overnight who they can continue to xray her until it comes out the other end or stays in the stomach. Time will tell. I'll update again tomorrow unless I get some news later tonight

  3. 9.30pm: I keep thinking about poor Claire at the vets by herself. Do you think she thinks she's been abandoned again? I hope not, she's such a sweet and happy girl I can't bear to think of her sad and lonely

  4. Oh Tania! I feel so sad for this little girl. I hope that the news is better tonight.

  5. Saturday 8.15pm: Just a quick update as we've been at the Junior Bulldog Club Champ show all day. Spoke to the vet when we got back and she still hasn't poohed! It may be the food as what she's eating is really sloppy so she didn't sick it back up so they are going to try a rice based food tonight as the xrays today confirmed there was something in the bowel and that all the barium has now passed out of the stomach. Fingers crossed the different food stays down. Hopefully she will pooh in the night and then she can come home tomorrow. I asked Andrew if she was upset at being left again and he said she just loved everyone and wasn't at all upset at being in the vets LOL

  6. Oh PS: if you want to know when this blog gets updated just click on the "subscribe by email" below and you'll get an email each time we update it

  7. Spoke to Andrew this morning, she can come home today but she's still not passed a motion yet. We'll pick her up this afternoon and hopefully all will be well. She has a lovely big comfy douvet to come back to thanks to Karen at Maverick Bulldogs, I hope she doesn't pee on it ;o)

  8. Well she's home!! weighing 1 kilo more than when she went in. After waiting 2 days for her to pooh out the barium, Andrew decided to send her home. Xrays showed it all in the bowel waiting to be passed. She was so pleased to see me, jumped up into the van and came home. As soon as she came through the back gate - guess what she did! Poohed for bloody England!!! she's on a prescription food for the next day or so and then we'll try and reintroduce dog food and see what happens.

  9. Monday 19th / 7.30pm
    She's been back 24 hours and has so far kept everything down. From tomorrow we'll start putting small amounts of kibble in with the ID diet and hope that it doesn't put her back where she started. The really great news is that if she comes through this, there is already a family ready and waiting (yes that's you Collette)

  10. OK, a handful of kibble went in with her ID diet this morning, so keep your fingers crossed!!

  11. That's so great that she is eating i think the photo is so heartbreaking to see that a bulldog could really look like that how any one could let any dog get like that wants locking away .
    its been really good to follow this blog and see her road to recovery and thats great news that she has a new home lined up for her when she gets better .
    huggs n kisses to claire get big and strong girl :-) xxx

  12. These people should be dealt with in the same way they think its ok to treat their animals, its disgusting to think there are humans ( used in the loosest sence of the word) in the 21st century that can be soo cruel, well I for 1 hope they suffer.
    Your doing a brilliant job with Claire Tania & ill be following her journey with everything crossed for her. At least she is in safe hands now
    x <3 x

  13. Wednesday 21st October: We are now half tinned ID and half James Wellbeloved and so far it's all staying down. We only have one tin of ID left so by the weekend she'll be back on proper food and hopefully the weight will then start going on, although I think we are going to have to be very careful with what we feed her until her stomach is strong enough to cope with different foods.

  14. Elizabeth Mills, Trustee22 October 2009 at 23:58

    So pleased to hear the Claire is keeping her food down, Tania, and also that she has a home to go to when she is well enough. I feel a real sense of possessiveness about her, cos of being her first contact person in Bulldog Rescue! I hope she continues to get stronger. Give her a special cuddle from her Auntie Elizabeth please

  15. TUESDAY 10th NOVEMBER 2009: Claire has gone home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Renamed Abbigale she now resides with Dave and Collette in sunny Middlesex. Saying goodbye never gets any easier but I know she's going to be so happy in her new home and life can only get better from this day forward. Missing you babygirl ....
