Food can be a great contributor to skin problems, anything with a lot of colouring or a protein level of more than 24% is a definite no for dogs with sensitive skin, feed something along the lines of James Wellbeloved, Arden Grange or Burns as these foods tend to have less fillers (ie: crap off the abatoire floor), for some dogs feeding a fish based food such as James Wellbeloved White fish and rice or Burns Fish and Potato is helpful, but be wary of allergy test - they will simply tell you your dog is allergic to pollen and dust mites - neither of which you can do anything about and are usually a total waste of time, effort and money.
Malaseb is another vet fave, I just noticed that's being sold at £20 a bottle!!!! The big problem I have with baths as a treatment for skin is the simple fact that bathing dries the skin, makes it flaky which makes it itchy - try not to over bath your dog it can often prove to be counter productive and for what it's worth Medichems Sporal D shampoo (available from http://www.reggies-den.co.uk/) is just as good, if not better.
I think one of the main issues is the fact that vets not only feel the need to make money out of every dog that walks through the door (especially the pedigrees) but also that they have to be seen to be doing something. You really don't always need the pills and potions they prescribe, salt water, sudocrem and decent diet is often all you need to get you through the summer and an anti histamine reserved for really bad days or for dogs with a genuine allergy to pollen.
It's one thing after the other with your Bully household at the moment. Hope Mabel is feeling perkier!
ReplyDeletethat is some great advice tania as ella is terrible in the summer she can't be left for five min's lol it's a good job we have a full medical box
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, unfortunately I bathed Capt Dobie before I read it, Doh. The vet has cost over £200 in the past month treating sores. I am now using salty water and sudocrem, but he is still on antibiotics, has had metacam and last week a steroid injection ! Fortunately he is a typical bully and too lazy to lt it bother him. He is on field and track so I might start to look at changing it. Thanks for your advice. Anna
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your info, We have had ongoing problems with Mintys skin for the past 2 years, vets have cost us a fortune,Before this he had 2 ops for luxating patellas. Then for this, skin scrapes,blood tests,tablets injections,maselab,just as you said!All to be diagnosed eventually as Dust mite allergy.I have tried to cope with it,feeling that he should not need all these chemicals. I have always been a believer in salt water bathing,used it on my horses years ago,and I have an endless stock of sudocrem,much to mintys disgust,as after having it applied he runs around like a mad thing!But its back, like you said with the hot weather!I am going to buy some of the shampoo from Reggies den and change his food,also will have some Benedryl as a last resort.As much as he has had numerous problems, we love him to bits!So thanks again for your advice as always brilliant! Juliet.x.